The magical remedy to activate wealth right now.

People who have gone into debt (health, money, relationships, litigations) are those whose desire drove them to go beyond their means or some sort of imbalance that they have created in their life. Wealth is not something which is achieved - it is a state of being and Mother Earth is ever so forgiving.
Through thousands of consultations and analysis of charts and observing patterns, there is nothing which is a coincidence - people who are activating energies negatively will see negative results and those who are activating through positive karma will eventually rise. Targeted activations are an integral part of our journey. It is similar to learning a language. Proficiency takes time and one is always learning. Those who keep learning will adapt with the universe and the planets affecting them. Those who don't will have no choice but to learn so might as well smile with the astro messages and complete the karma.
Now to the remedy of wealth as I am confident that when it comes to wealth, people will go for it without any inhibition.
Remedy : Plant a Shami tree or bring a Shami plant home - water it for next 3 months daily. If you cannot get hold of a Shami tree, you may donate a tree(or multiple trees) to this charity and encourage as many people to plant this tree. All the trees planted through your campaign will also bring you great results. You can also gift this plant on your special day or birthday of a loved one. Instead of giving away gifts of toys, gift a sapling and help your loved one grow with the sapling.
Please do share your feedback with us and share this remedy with as many people as possible. Mother Earth will be very happy with your action. You will see a manifestation within days of doing this simple act.
Please share this magic with as many people as you can.
There are other activations on our blog so please feel free to read through and bring that change in your life.
If you’d like a consultation for yourself or someone in need of our assistance then please reach out to or contact us (WhatsApp) +6587277684.
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